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Terms and Conditions:

Please read the following Terms & Conditions. By using this website and associated applications, you have agreed to the Terms & Conditions outlined below. Please note: Tempo Living Pty Ltd reserves the right to revise, update or amend these Terms & Conditions at any stage in the future. When you use our services, you will be bound by the Terms & Conditions in force at that time, you should therefore read the Terms & Conditions each time you use this application or our website.

  1. Acknowledgement: You acknowledge that the following Terms & Conditions are concluded between you and Tempo Living Pty Ltd, owner of the tempoliving.com.au website and related applications.
  2. Tempo Living Pty Ltd does not give any warranty, express or implied or any other assurance as to the gains to be made by using this website or related applications and services.
  3. Tempo Living Pty Ltd will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages, loss or injury to persons which may occur by the user’s reliance on any statements, information, or advice, or by the user’s purchase or use of any products, services or equipment or provision of information from the tempoliving.com.au website or related applications.
  4. Under no circumstances will Tempo Living Pty Ltd or anyone else mentioned on our website or related applications be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use or inability to use the tempoliving.com.au website or related applications. This includes, but is not limited to, incidental and consequential damages, lost profits or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption.
  5. The tempoliving.com.au website and related applications are a source of general information and education for organisations and individuals. Tempo Living Pty Ltd does not make any warranties or guarantees of any kind relating to the content of this material, including that the information contained within is accurate, complete or reliable, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of such information. Users of this information should confirm its accuracy, appropriateness and applicability with other sources. The tempoliving.com.au website and related applications and content are provided on an ‘as is’ basis.
  6. The use of the tempoliving.com.au website and related applications, and related content and services is at your own risk. When using the tempoliving.com.au website and related applications, information may be transmitted over a medium which in many cases is beyond the control and jurisdiction of Tempo Living Pty Ltd and its associates. Information and files available from the tempoliving.com.au website and related applications cannot be guaranteed to be secure, free from computer viruses, or other faults or defects and you should scan and check such data accordingly. Tempo Living Pty Ltd is not responsible for any delay, failure, interruption, or corruption of any data or other information transmitted in connection with use of the tempoliving.com.au website and related applications which is beyond our control.
  7. By using the tempoliving.com.au website and related applications you agree to defend, indemnify and hold Tempo Living Pty Ltd, its agents, licensors and suppliers harmless from and against any claims, actions or demands, liabilities and settlements including without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, resulting from, or alleged to result from, your use of the website and related applications and services. Tempo Living Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for any medical events, injuries, illness or other outcomes related to or resulting from the provision or use of this website or related applications and services.
  8. Any products or information displayed on this site can at no time replace the expertise of a qualified professional in a professional setting. Never disregard or delay in seeking professional advice because of any information provided on this site. These products, services and information should not be solely relied upon for advice or as a substitute for a consultation with a professional.
  9. Tempo Living Pty Ltd may contain advertisements for other sites and companies. Unless expressly stated otherwise, we do not endorse any product linked to or advertised on Tempo Living or related applications. Tempo Living Pty Ltd makes no assurances or warranties (expressed or implied) about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any advertisement links to and from other sites. Tempo Living provides links to other sites for convenience of users only. These are not necessarily an endorsement of those sites. We are not responsible for the content of these sites and visitors access those sites at their own risk. Tempo Living Pty Ltd reserves the right to refuse a third-party site permission to provide a hyperlink to any part of the Tempo Living website or related applications at Tempo Living Pty Ltd’s absolute sole discretion. Tempo Living Pty Ltd makes no assurances or warranties (expressed or implied) about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information held within any third-party site to which a user may be linked. By linking users to other web sites Tempo Living Pty Ltd is in no way endorsing the views or information held within such web sites.
  10. All information and content (including concepts and intellectual property) contained on this website and its related applications is the property of Tempo Living Pty Ltd and is protected by copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights. It may not be reproduced or stored in any form without the owners’ consent unless otherwise stated. If you wish to print any pages, we grant permission as long as this is for your own private use and information and under no circumstances will you use this information for commercial (or other) gain, and provided you keep intact all copyright and proprietary notices. You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, transcribe, reverse engineer, disassemble, store in any database or retrieval system, translate into any other language, resell, copy or distribute material or content from this site or related applications without written permission from Tempo Living Pty Ltd. No licence is granted to you in these Terms & Conditions to use any trademark of Tempo Living Pty Ltd.
  11. Any opinions or information, unless otherwise stated, are those of the creators of Tempo Living Pty Ltd, and in no way claim to represent the views of any other professionals or institutions.
  12. Our contact details supplied are provided for basic inquiries and should not be used for urgent or emergency requests, treatment of any injury or condition or to transmit confidential information.
  13. The Tempo Living website and related applications and services may contain or direct you to health or medical related materials which you might find sexually explicit or offensive. If you do not want to view or may be offended by such material, do not use this website or related applications.
  14. Some products and services recommended or purchased from this website may be produced by an external company. Tempo Living Pty Ltd makes no warranties or guarantees that the products, services or equipment purchased or recommended on this website are applicable, appropriately recommended or useful. Customers choosing to purchase products or services from this website do so at their own risk.
  15. Tempo Living Pty Ltd does not give any warranty, express or implied or any other assurance as to the gains to be made by using this application. Users of this website and related applications do so at their own risk.
  16. You acknowledge and agree that information published by Tempo Living Pty Ltd is intended to provide general information in summary form on legal and other issues. Tempo Living Pty Ltd does not endorse or recommend any of the jobs, business or self-employment opportunities advertised on its website and Tempo Living Pty Ltd strongly recommends that prior to entering into any agreement with any person, that you obtain your own independent legal, accounting, financial or taxation advice as appropriate. It is solely your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of all opinions, advice, services, merchandise and other information provided through the website or on the Internet generally. In no event will Tempo Living Pty Ltd be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you or anyone else in reliance upon any information contained on or omitted from the website.
  17. Tempo Living Pty Ltd provides no warranty to you that the services generally available through the website will be uninterrupted or error-free or that defects in the service will be corrected. You also understand that Tempo Living Pty Ltd cannot and does not guarantee or warrant to you that files available for downloading through the website or delivered via electronic mail through the website will be free of infection or viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the website for the reconstruction of any lost data.
  18. You agree that Tempo Living Pty Ltd may reproduce, distribute, transmit, create derivative works of, and publicly display any materials and other information (including ideas for new or improved products and services) that you submit to any public areas of the website or by email to Tempo Living Pty Ltd. (Please read our privacy policy for more information as to how we deal with information you send to us.)
  19. You agree that it is a condition on your use of the Tempo Living Pty Ltd website and of any other services provided by Tempo Living Pty Ltd or through the website that you will not through any act or omission (including but not limited to creating a profile on the Tempo Living Limited website) mislead or deceive others.
  20. All users of the Tempo Living website and related applications warrant that they are at least 18 years of age.  If you are under the age of 18 years, your parent or guardian must approve your registration and any contact request. Tempo Living Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for verifying the age of registered users or for verifying the approval of a parent or guardian to use the Tempo Living website or related applications.
  21. While Tempo Living Pty Ltd takes all due care in ensuring the privacy and integrity of the information you provide, the possibility exists that this information could be unlawfully observed by a third party while in transit over the Internet or while stored on Tempo Living Pty Ltd systems or on Tempo Living Pty Ltd’s website. Tempo Living Pty Ltd disclaims all liability to you to the maximum extent possible pursuant to law should this occur.
  22. To become a registered user, you must provide a password and a login name. You are entirely responsible if you do not maintain the confidentiality of your password and login name. Furthermore, you are entirely responsible for any and all activities that occur under your login name. You agree to immediately notify Tempo Living Pty Ltd of any unauthorised use of your login name or any other breach of security known to you.
  23. If any part of this agreement is held invalid that part shall be severed from this agreement and the remainder of this agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. Termination of this agreement will not end those provisions that are capable of surviving the ending of this agreement. The laws governing this agreement will be the laws in New South Wales, Australia and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State and the jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Australia sitting in New South Wales. For the purposes of this agreement the words “Tempo Living”, “Tempo Living Pty Ltd”, “we”, “our” and “us” refer to Tempo Living Proprietary Limited ABN 75 630 675 455

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