How would you rate our speed to site (from the time you accepted your Tempo Living tender to site start)? It exceeded my expectationsIt was what I expectedI was disappointed
How would you rate the speed of our build time? It exceeded my expectationsIt was what I expectedI was disappointed
Do you feel Tempo Living met the promise of our four guarantees? 1. The Tempo Living Tender Guarantee Upon paying your tender request fee, we will confirm the date of your tender acceptance meeting. This will occur within 4 weeks of your tender request payment or we will refund your fee Tempo Living exceeded my expectationsTempo Living met its promiseTempo Living did not meet the guarantee
2. The Tempo Living Fixed Site Costs Guarantee Upon accepting our tender to build your new home, your site costs will be fixed. Yes, my site costs were fixed and I didn’t pay a cent above what I was toldNo, Tempo Living did not meet the guarantee
3. The Tempo Living Site Start Guarantee Upon signing your building contract, we will confirm the on-site start date to commence building your new home. Yes, Tempo Living confirmed and stuck to a building start dateNo, Tempo Living did not meet the guarantee
4. The Tempo Living Handover Guarantee Upon commencing construction, we will confirm the handover date for you to move into your new home. Yes, Tempo Living confirmed and stuck to a handover date for my new home.No, Tempo Living did not meet the guarantee
How would you rate Tempo Living’s customer service? It exceeded our expectations.It satisfied our expectations.We weren’t satisfied with our experience
Did you feel the building process was transparent and upfront? Is there anything we can improve on?
How do you feel about the finished quality of your home? The workmanship is excellent and I am very happyThe workmanship is good and I have no complaintsI’m disappointed in the workmanship
We believe trust is the backbone of our business, and our customers can trust us to be honest and upfront. Do you think that is a fair statement? Why?
Would you recommend Tempo Living to a friend or family member? Why?
Would you be comfortable having a chat with our team about this testimonial? Yes, feel free to contact meNo, I’d prefer not to
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